insurance and rates
your healing starts here
We are contracted with several insurance companies:
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Hometown Health
Prominence plans
Northern Nevada Electrical Workers
Northern Nevada Laborers
Northern Nevada Operating Engineers
U.A. Local 350
To check your benefits: contact your insurance company by calling the “members services” number on the back of your insurance card. Select auto-prompt that you are a “member”. Ask if you need to meet a deductible prior to mental health (outpatient) services being covered, what your co-pay/co-insurance is for mental health outpatient office visits and confirm we are listed as an in-network provider.
If we are not contracted with your insurance we can provide you with a superbill (receipt) that you can submit to your insurance for possible reimbursement. You can call your plan and ask for information about your out of network coverage.
Cash rate
We have discounted rates for clients opting to pay out of pocket for their sessions, these rates differ with Fully licensed and Licensed interns. Please reach out to discuss our cash rates.
If you opt out of using your insurance or don’t have insurance we will provide you with a No-Surprise Act/Good Faith Estimate prior to services rendered.