Fall Transitions
Counseling others is a privilege that not everyone has. People come to us ready to do some serious work. People come in ready to trust, ready to change and ready to feel. Counseling is a responsibility, a ball that cannot be dropped. From the moment you reach out for that first appointment, and all the appointments after, we want our clients to feel welcome, heard and cared for. This is what we try to convey here at Reno Counseling Collective. In an effort to expand that connection, we are offering a monthly newsletter! The first newsletter addresses the transition from Summer into Fall.
RCC Backyard
Fall signifies the beginnings of many things. A return to school, a more consistent work week (compared to the chaos of summer) and routine. Some may react with feelings of grief, while others may welcome the change in season. Either way, there are things we have control over that can help us with this transition.
First, it is okay to feel whatever it is you are feeling. Check your list; the list of coping skills/self care items you do when you feel “good.” Are you practicing these skills now? Or, similar to our routines, have these skills fallen to the side?
Second, prioritization. Not everything is priority number 1. For daily tasks, look at the next step rather than hours or days ahead. This can help reduce the overwhelm that happens when looking at the big picture. There is a time and a place for the big picture and it does not always fit into our list of daily tasks.
Lastly, for adults and children - consistency. Consistency with bedtimes and sleep is very important. Sleep is vital to function at our best. The following are ways to increase the likelihood of good sleep: ending screen time at least 1 hour before bed, space at least 2 hours between your last meal and bedtime, do something relaxing/boring (like read a bedtime story, engage yourself in meditation or deep breathing) and abstaining from coffee and alcohol.
When faced with these transitions, even though we may face them over and over again, each time gives us an opportunity to learn about ourselves and our boundaries. At the end of the day YOU drive the bus. Don’t hand the wheel over to anxiety, anger, sadness or any other emotion that tries to take control. Enjoy the ride, admire the colors and prepare for Winter!
For any questions or referral needs whether within our agency or outside, reach out to info@renocounselingcollective.com. Also, please send in questions and we will do our best to answer them in future newsletters.
Please remember that this newsletter is not a replacement for therapy.
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